EE&G has conducted numerous Phase I and II ESA for Berkowitz Development Group, one in particular with the Brownfields Site managed by AR&J SOBE, LLC. EE&G was selected by the Client’s environmental attorney, based on our reputation in the environmental/redevelopment community, our experience with Brownfields Site redevelopment, and our reputation an effective liaison with the regulatory agencies (FDEP and Miami-Dade County DERM). The subject property was historically developed with a gas station, Chevrolet dealership/repair shop, dry cleaner, printer, and smaller auto repair/body shop.
EE&G conducted expanded site assessment activities and continued with a previously-negotiated Natural Attenuation Monitoring Plan. EE&G identified five previously-missed underground storage tanks (USTs), and proceeded to permit and remove the tanks on an emergency response basis (which minimized delay for construction contractors), followed by Tank Closure Assessment activities.
Additionally, EE&G assisted the Client in negotiating and securing a $200,000 Targeted Brownfields Assessment grant from the FDEP for disposal of soils impacted with petroleum and arsenic. In 2005, EE&G implemented the remediation plan and managed the Source Removal activities. EE&G prepared the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan and the Dust and Erosion Control Plan, installed of erosion control and dust control measures, excavated petroleum-affected soils, recovered free-floating product, and added Oxygen Release Compounds (ORCs) during backfilling activities. EE&G worked closely with the Client’s design architect and general contractors to effectively overcome the environmental challenges and facilitate permitting from the regulatory agency. Additionally, EE&G designed and monitored a 3-month dewatering treatment plan during the installation of concrete pile caps and utilities.
Following groundwater monitoring, EE&G has successfully negotiated the approval of a No Further Action with Conditions closure strategy, which will be approved by the Miami-Dade County DERM upon completion of construction (expected by late-2008), and execution of an Institutional Control (Restrictive Covenant).