How to Prepare
Here is what you can do to prepare your family in case COVID-19 spreads in your community.
Find Local Information
Know where to find local information on COVID-19 and local trends of COVID-19 cases.
Know the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if symptomatic:
Stay home when you are sick
Call your health care provider’s office in advance of a visit
Limit movement in the community
Limit visitors
Take Steps for Those at Higher Risk
Know what additional measures those at higher risk and who are vulnerable should take.
Protect Yourself & Family
Implement steps to prevent illness (e.g., stay home when sick, handwashing, respiratory etiquette, clean frequently touched surfaces daily).
Create a Household Plan
Create a household plan of action in case of illness in the household or disruption of daily activities due to COVID-19 in the community.
Consider the 2-week supply of prescription and over the counter medications, food, and other essentials. Know how to get food delivered if possible.
Establish ways to communicate with others (e.g., family, friends, co-workers).
Establish plans to telework, what to do about childcare needs, how to adapt to cancellation of events.
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Stay Informed About Emergency Plans
Know about emergency operations plans for schools/workplaces of household members.
Symptoms & Testing
Call your doctor: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
Coronavirus Self-Checker
Reducing Stigma
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