EE&G has an ongoing relationship with Pinnacle Housing Group to provide environmental consulting services related to their acquisition, financing, and redevelopment projects in Florida. The bulk of the work was completed in Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, but also extends northward into Palm Beach and Martin Counties. EE&G performs a wide-range of environmental consulting services, including environmental due diligence services (Phase I ESAs, Phase II ESA, Asbestos-Containing Building Material Surveys, Lead-Based Paint Assessments, Indoor Air Quality and Mold Assessments), regulatory-driven environmental services (Site Assessment Reports, Remedial Action Plans, Source Removal, Tank Closure Assessments, Groundwater Monitoring Only Plans, and Engineering Control Verification), Brownfields Consulting Services, and mold-abatement services. For the past 3 years, EE&G has completed the following volume of services for the Client:
- Phase I ESAs and Updates for approximately 50 sites
- Phase II ESAs/SARs for approximately 30 sites
- Remedial Services (Source Removal & Tank Closures) for two sites (Brownfields Sites)
- ACBM, LBP, IAQ, and Mold Assessments for approximately 20 sites
- Abatement of Mold-Impacted Building Materials at one site
Two projects in particular included the Los Suenos Brownfields Site and the Corinthian Apartment Brownfields Site, both which were developed on sites impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons and arsenic, respectively. EE&G was retained to assist the Client in developing options to address environmental concerns that were not properly identified by previous consultants, and provided post-acquisition Environmental Due Diligence during refinancing. EE&G assisted in the Brownfields Site designation process, conducted expanded assessment, and designed Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) which used the planned redevelopment design as part of the solution. The goal for both projects is to obtain a Conditional No Further Action from the Miami-Dade County DERM and FDEP within the next year. Additionally, EE&G assisted the Client in evaluating Health and Safety issues and safe construction options to minimize liability concerns. Currently, both sites are undergoing Natural Attenuation Monitoring, and the Engineering Controls have been installed.
EE&G’s efforts have included team work with design architects, general contractors, and the owners to facilitate successful redevelopment of these contaminated sites, which are both completely developed with affordable multi-family housing projects.